My 2019 Post – Getting Better, Twitch Stream, looking towards 2020 and more.

I have a goal to write and publish a book, one that inspires and draws wonder within the mind of the reader giving them a lovely escape to a world that I made, a world we can share. I have been working on this book for a while now and I am still far from done. Writing is a time-consuming task and, as it was explained to me once in a simple and profound way, time takes time.


I am now closer to having a book written and completed than I have ever been before. But, I suppose with time being a linear thing (as we perceive it anyway), that at any given second I am always closer to that goal. So, as long as I continue to work on it and push towards that end, I will perpetually be closer to the result than I was the second before. In this way, I will be closer to finishing my book once I am done writing this. Drawing from that conclusion, by the time you read this, I will be even further along in that timeline.

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