The Sauce

They say the secret to a good pizza is the sauce. The secret to me is, well… wouldn’t you like to know.

If you are reading this, you are my last hope…

Just kidding, I am sure you get that all the time. I suppose I should dish on the sauce and tell you a little about myself. I have seen worlds scientists have yet to discover, witnessed powers that cannot be explained, and heard the conversations of gods as if I was among them (I am not a god though, I just want to make that clear, I am just an imaginative writer and all that).

You could say I know a thing or two. Such as, did you know that most immortals are colorblind? I think it has to do with the genetic link to the factors that allowed certain mortals to transcend death. Of course, I have also heard a rumor that it might be due to a lover’s quarrel. Celestials and Humans can be so volatile together sometimes. Either way, if you are colorblind you may have an immortal among your ancestors. Of course, they will outlive you by centuries if you yourself are not immortal.

I also know of the elder races, of the Umbran and Aetherian courts. I could tell the tale of the conflict they waged over all of creation, of the worlds they visited, and, of the worlds where they still exist to this very day. But even more ancient, I know of the Abzu: the source of galaxies, and the Rapas: the first true sentients and great primordial forerunners of mortal life.

I also know of simple things, of emotions, actions, consequences, and why Marshall kept swimming. I have recorded the final moments of a potato, heard tell of love’s true form, listened to the wolf’s howl, and observed the beautifully mundane actions of normal people going about their day. I have even seen where the creator came from before all of creation, talk about simple.

But do not be fooled by what I say, I have my secrets too. Things that must be known only to very few until the time is just right. Information that will change everything, but remains securely tucked away behind my keyboard, waiting to be unleashed.

I share all of this to say, I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I do.

In my free time, I like to teach my son how to conquer worlds, send memes to my wife, and make an attempt at a variety of hobbies. When I am not writing, you can’t find me. All these other writers are giving away their location and hobbies in these bio pages, not this one. I enjoy stories of all formats, epic of all epicness, and the fact that you have read this page. Follow me to learn more about the sauce.