In This Together

Hello, I hope this post finds you and your loved ones well. I tried to think of something simple and encouraging to say here, but I could not think of a short sweet and profound statement. I am also not here to criticize anyone or make a joke. Instead, I thought I would expand on some of the thoughts I have had lately. 

Things are not as simple as they were mere months ago. We have all seen in recent days the best and worst of people in many different degrees. I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to all those who have toed the line as essential workers. Throughout my life, I have been fortunate having learned many lessons, and one of those lessons is that quitting something, like a job, can be easy despite the consequences.

You could wake up tomorrow, decide you are no longer doing whatever it is and walk away. It does not require perseverance or dedication or forethought (although forethought is recommended), it only requires a decision to not do it anymore. With that said, there are a great many times when quitting can be the right thing, when finding another path is the right option. Bad relationships, dangerous jobs, unhealthy practices, moving on to chase that dream. It is for this reason that I would not hold it against any essential worker who chooses to quit. But there is another lesson I have learned, a reason that many of them continue to show up for us every day, that doing things for others can be a powerful motivator.

This is often the reason why parents sacrifice so their children do not have to go without. It is a defining characteristic of the medical field, teaching, coaching, transportation, grocery, utility providers, and countless more professions. Despite being exhausted and afraid for their own health, people are still showing up. When they have every right and reason to quit, to figure things out a different way, they continue to do for others. Whether it is motivated by altruistic means or simply to provide for themselves and their families, I am grateful for what so many are doing for myself and the others I am counted among.

This brings me to wonder, what can I do? How can I contribute, in whatever small way possible? The answer is, there is a lot I can do. I can donate, I can volunteer, I can help spread accurate information, etc. Some of that I have already done, but I wanted to do something unique to me, something that combines my passion for imagination and storytelling. So I have been writing.

My someday goal is to be a published writer. Those that know me well, know I love to write. Despite this love for writing, I still have a responsibility to my family, friends, and work, to which writing can and often does take a back seat. While I still make time to write as often as I can, there are never enough hours in the day. I used to wish I could pause time just to finish writing a book, as with all things that are worth doing, writing a good story takes time.

In all that has happened, I have discovered a unique silver lining. Although I would wish for better days, I aim to make the most of the days we have, regardless of their current quality. Since it is in my family and friend’s best interest for me to keep my distance for a while, I have had more time to dedicate towards my someday goal.

I may not be ready to share everything, and I have a long way to go to improve my writing, but I have decided that now would be a good time to share some of my ideas and stories. I have written several short stories for various contests or just to fill my spare time and I will be posting a handful of them here and in other places in the coming days. While I am partly motivated by the prospect of building an audience, I am also hopeful that I can offer some brief escapism for people during these uncertain times. A time to step away from the problems of the world, just for a moment, to dive into the imagination, to visit other worlds, to discover the truth within ourselves.

I hope you enjoy my stories, feel free to share your own creations too. Graphics, writing, music, paintings, animation, drawings, woodworking, rebuilding an engine, making candles, or whatever your passion is. Perhaps it will help myself or others discover new things or find some joy during these uncertain times.

Finally, I will leave off with this. If the right actions and proper caution have the power to save even one life, then those are steps that we should all willingly take. We are all in this together. Stay safe out there!